rose for October 💕

Here comes October.

1. Keep in mind that Allah never burdens us with more than we can bear. So have faith, be strong and keep moving forward.

2. Dosa-dosa kecil boleh menghalang pertolongan dan rahmat Tuhan sampai kepada kita. Maka banyakkanlah istighfar dan bertaubat.

3. Some feelings are better left denied.

4. Make a du'a, even if for a while, even if nothing lasts forever.

5. Not all people will smile at you, or appreciate your smile towards them. But don't forget that it's okay to smile for yourself.

6. Feelings are more than words can say, so all we can do now is pray.

7. Remember that nothing lasts forever & some things are not real. Nevertheless, live this moment to the fullest. Appreciate what you have now.

8. Bahagia itu seperti transit. Bahagia itu datang & pergi. Mungkin ada bahagia yang abadi. Di syurga. Tapi kita masih di sini, kan? Senyumlah.

9. In the end, do not regret about choices we make. Have the courage to accept what fate gives us, and keep on living.

10. Maybe feelings fade. Shit happens. People change. Love die. But life goes on walau tanpa sesiapa di sisi kerana Tuhan selalu menemani.

11. Love is not about who on your side, but it is about who understand you well.

12. Tiada siapa akan sepi, inshaAllah. Meski tiada peneman di sisi, Tuhan selalu ada memerhati dan menjaga. Dan itu lebih utama dari segalanya.

13. Take a step. No matter how hard or how slow, take a step. If you don't, you'll never grow, you'll never change and you'll never be better.

14. Let all of your attachments to the past go. Let them flow down the history, forgotten. You must learn to let go, or you'll never be better.

15. Make a du'a. God notice, even if people don't. Only God and God alone knows what is best for us. So pray.

16. Lebih baik memilih daripada salah pilih. Better late than frustrated.

17. Even when you're lost, even when you have to hide your tears - move forward from the dark past.

18. Dekatilah Tuhan agar kita kembali bahagia. Dekatilah Tuhan agar kita tak lagi terganggu dengan kisah silam yang selalu muncul dalam memori.

19. Love, is a chance for happiness. But it is also a chance for broken heart. So love wisely.

20. Allah pemilik tiap sesuatu. Kita hanya meminjam. Maka jangan terlalu terikat. Sampai masa, kena pulangkan segalanya, termasuk diri kita sendiri.

21. Bagaimana kita menerima takdir yang baik, begitu juga kalau kita menerima takdir yang kurang baik. Kedua-duanya harus disyukuri.

22. Hidup tak berlangsung dengan seperti apa yang kita kehendaki, tapi ditulis-Nya dengan sesuatu yang sesuai untuk kita. Remember that.

23. Learn from whatever things that hurts you. Be better. Don't repeat the same mistakes. Walk away from bad habits and bad people.

24. It's never too late to find and create a new moment. Forgive and forget those who leave and hurt you. Move on. Find your own halcyon.

25. Whatever happens, happens. Susah dan berat macam mana pun kena terima. Biar jatuh. Biar sedih. Biar luka. Tapi lepas tu, bangkitlah.

26. Untuk apa-apa yang kita cintai tetapi tak dapat kita capai, Tuhanlah yang merancang bahawa ada yang lebih baik daripada semua itu.

27. Despite everything, we still have Allah by our side. So search Him, get near to Him, and have faith.

- sederhanaindah

pascaskrip : baru sahaja menyambut tahun baru hijrah. Dan bakal menyambut tahun baru masihi. Pada tahap apakah diri kita? Baik? Okay? Sembuh? Masih luka? Masih di tempat lama? Masih kecewa? Tanya diri sendiri, cari jawapannya dalam sujud dan doa. Stay good!
