

suatu hari nanti engkau akan bertanya kepadaku manakah yang lebih penting? kehidupanku, atau kehidupanmu? aku akan menjawab kehidupanku dan kau akan berlalu pergi tanpa kau tahu bahawa kau ialah kehidupanku - Khalil Gibran

Wake Me Up When September Ends - Green Day

Green Day Lyrics "Wake Me Up When September Ends" Summer has come and passed The innocent can never last Wake me up when September ends Like my father's come to pass Seven years has gone so fast Wake me up when September ends Here comes the rain again Falling from the stars Drenched in my pain again Becoming who we are As my memory rests But never forgets what I lost Wake me up when September ends Summer has come and passed The innocent can never last Wake me up when September ends Ring out the bells again Like we did when spring began Wake me up when September ends Here comes the rain again Falling from the stars Drenched in my pain again Becoming who we are As my memory rests But never forgets what I lost Wake me up when September ends Summer has come and passed The innocent can never last Wake me up when September ends Like my father's come to pass Twenty years has gone so fast Wake me up when September ends Wake me up when September ends Wake me up when Se

rose for October 💕

Here comes October. 1. Keep in mind that Allah never burdens us with more than we can bear. So have faith, be strong and keep moving forward. 2. Dosa-dosa kecil boleh menghalang pertolongan dan rahmat Tuhan sampai kepada kita. Maka banyakkanlah istighfar dan bertaubat. 3. Some feelings are better left denied. 4. Make a du'a, even if for a while, even if nothing lasts forever. 5. Not all people will smile at you, or appreciate your smile towards them. But don't forget that it's okay to smile for yourself. 6. Feelings are more than words can say, so all we can do now is pray. 7. Remember that nothing lasts forever & some things are not real. Nevertheless, live this moment to the fullest. Appreciate what you have now. 8. Bahagia itu seperti transit. Bahagia itu datang & pergi. Mungkin ada bahagia yang abadi. Di syurga. Tapi kita masih di sini, kan? Senyumlah. 9. In the end, do not regret about choices we make. Have the courage to accept what fate gives us, and

Android Studio #1 : Error while waiting for device: The emulator process for AVD 4.65_720p_(Galaxy_Nexus)_API_25 was killed.

Solution The problem was with the name of the virtual device. Changed the name to "Galaxy Nexus" in the AVD Manager in Android Studio and the problem went away. Its work! Well done.

tips pemeriksaan rumah

Perkara pertama selepas dapat kunci, bukan cuci rumah dan terus masuk ya. Periksa dulu setiap kecacatan atau kerosakan yang ada di rumah seperti dinding crack, cat tanggal, plaster tanggal, tiles lompong, bocor dan lain-lain lagi. Kebiasaannya pihak pemaju akan memberi tempoh selama 24 bulan atau 2 tahun untuk kita membuat inspection pada rumah dan kita boleh complaint apa sahaja kerosakan atau kekurangan yang ada baik di dalam atau di luar rumah. Semua ini adalah hak-hak kita sebagai pembeli maka periksalah sebaik-baiknya keadaan di dalam rumah. Tetapi sekiranya anda buat major renovation, maka pemaju takkan bertanggungjawab atas sebarang kecacatan rumah. PERALATAN : ***Masking tape - Kalau ada retak atau crack terus lekatkan dan tanda. ***Marker Pen - Sebaiknya warna merah. Senang nampak tulisan, nombor dan jenis defect atas masking tape. ***Kertas A4 - Tuliskan senarai kecacatan atau defect tu dengan nombor dan lokasi sekali supaya senang nak cari. ***Kamera / Handphone berkam