5 day to go...


5 days to go LATIHAN INDUSTRI, perasaan aku??? Cuak arh~~ Huhu... Apa apa pon post kali ini adalah my hobby. Just want to show you all my creative art. I like doing this if I have a free times. This idea coming or I can drawing, if I sadness or remembered about the past. Really unique but, it is true. :D

 |  Ain - Siti - Eyla - Aku |

Ini lukisan dari gambar selepas tamat event dekat ASRAMA, pakaian ala-ala budak sekolah bersama anak muridnya. Fun! Enjoy our last semester at POLITEKNIK. 
tiba-tiba nak selit ayat ini.

if you want to be a teacher, teach your people around you. They are understand what you want to teach? You can be a TEACHER and will be a teacher.

Ini berpandukan picture pergi out lepas FINAL EXAM my classmate. 

|Between these girl  is so funky :P Nice to meet them. |

|2 person beside funny frenz (xkering gusi) and UTARA mai~|

|my crazy + cruel roomate :P|

|my old housemate + my classmate|

and last this is my classmate (boys) seronok aku menyonteng muka org, jadi ke x ke... bedal... :P Asal aku suka, ada yang tercicir... Next time, aku tambah yerk. Jgn kecik hati tulis kat FB pulak... :P

Itu je utk kali ini, next time kalau aku ada lukis muka-muka sape sape lagi aku cuba uploadkan. Hehe... If korang xnak tengok pon... xkisah... *ayat sedih* HAHA... 

p/s: sape nak aku lukis potret? HUhh? xpro  la, saja2 conteng2 boleh la... *layan je my broken English*


Unknown said…
Laa..ak ingt tu muka ang yg ang lukis, tp tgh sebut nma ak..thanks dzaf ye :)

Oleh sbb ak tgh borink, meh ak jd cikgu BI xbbyr ang ha3..

1.'free time', xde s..
2.ak xbrp fhm ayt ang yg ni tp ak rasa ang cba ckp cmni:
"I'll draw when the idea comes, usually when I'm sad or remembering the past. So unique, yet so true."
3."If you want to be a teacher, teach people around you. If they understand your teachings, you can be and will be a teacher." Ni pun ak rasa maksud ang cmni he3..I like this quote :)

Ad jga yg slh ckit dkt pic tu tp ak maafkn j he..Ok sekian..terima kasih kerana mengikuti kelas BI Cikgu Farhana ha3~
dzafirahzain said…
@Chibiha Itsumi muka bulat mcm fana hehe...

Adoii kena check spelling dgn Teacher dah... adoiii, :P HUHUHU...

Apa apa pon... TQ TEACHER BI ku x berbayar.
Unknown said…
Hahaha. Bulat is my specialty :P
Sama2.hu3..bukan senang taw nak dapat khidmat percuma cmni hehe~
dzafirahzain said…
@Chibiha Itsumi hehe... nanti bleh la jdi teacher dzaf ... *berbyar* bleh byar murah hehehe.... :P